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Spring is the best time to sell your home - Five reasons why

Did you know that Spring tends to be the best time to sell a property? It’s true – the Spring months of April to June are arguably the best and most consistent months for property sales year in, year out. Whether you’re an investor or homeowner looking to sell your property, here are the top five reasons why SPRING is the best time of year to get your property on the market and ready to sell.

03 Apr 24 |

Spring is the best time to sell your home - Five reasons why Image

Did you know that Spring tends to be the best time to sell a property? It’s true – the Spring months of April to June are arguably the best and most consistent months for property sales year in, year out. Whether you’re an investor or homeowner looking to sell your property, here are the top five reasons why SPRING is the best time of year to get your property on the market and ready to sell.



1. High level of demand and need for supply


The warmer Spring months with lighter, brighter days tend to be more appealing for property hunting than the heat of the Gibraltar Summer or the freezing cold of the Winter. With an increase in demand for properties, it makes sense for sellers to take advantage of the selling opportunities and put a property on the market.



2. It’s the season of new beginnings



Spring is typically a season associated with new beginnings – you’ll see new buds appearing on trees, new flowers emerging from ground and new life in nature – and this feeling of newness seems to flow through to the property market too. It’s a time when people begin to think about new possibilities and make plans for the rest of the year, such as buying a new property and moving house.



3. Spring weather boosts kerb appeal



The lighter, brighter days of spring can significantly help to boost the kerb appeal of properties. The days tend not to be as dark and dreary as they can be during the heart of winter and better natural light helps improve the exterior view of properties. For example, it can bring out the natural colour of stone or bricks or make architectural features look better.

Even if you don’t have a property with a garden, there’s likely to be trees coming into bloom or flowers blossoming in your immediate vicinity, which can reflect positively on your property too. If you have an apartment with a balcony, a few pots of pretty Spring flowers could brighten up the outdoor space and add an inviting appeal.



4.Spring light aids interior photography



In the same way that improved natural light aids exterior kerb appeal, so too will it help aid the interior photography of your property. Good photos are a key element of successfully selling your property and it definitely makes a difference when there’s better natural light in which to take them. They’ll be less time-consuming editing involved to get them up to scratch and, in theory, it could be quicker for your agent to get your property listed.



5. It’s better weather for moving



On a practical note, for those that are thinking of moving, Spring is a more appealing time to do so. The weather tends to be better than during the Winter and you’re not yet thwarted by the energy-zapping heat that a Gibraltar Summer can bring. Plus, for families with children, it’s likely to be an easier time of year to move, whilst they’re still at school and so they can be settled in a new home before a new school year starts in September.



If you’re thinking of selling your property to take advantage of the Spring boost in sales, don’t forget to get your property looking its best first. A good spring clean can freshen up your interior and a quick lick of fresh paint on your front door can make the world of difference and improve the look and feel of your property – those first impressions really count! Contact us today to get your property on the market now.



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