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Can you retire to Gibraltar from the UK?

Are you considering your next move now you no longer have to be in reach of 'the office'? Considering downsizing but still have zest for life and adventure? Gibraltar could be the perfect place to call home in your best years.

24 Jun 24 |

Can you retire to Gibraltar from the UK? Image


Yes, you can retire to Gibraltar from the UK. Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory, which provides several advantages for UK citizens considering retirement there. Here are the main points to consider:


1. Residency

UK citizens do not require a visa to enter Gibraltar.  As a British overseas territory, UK citizens generally have the right to live in Gibraltar, however are not necesarily entitled to local services without applying for Residency.


2. Healthcare

UK retirees are entitled to healthcare in Gibraltar under the same terms as Gibraltarians, provided they receive a UK state pension. This arrangement ensures access to medical services without the need for additional private health insurance, although some may opt for it for more comprehensive coverage.


3. Taxation

Gibraltar has a favorable tax regime with no capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or wealth tax. Income tax rates are relatively low, and there are specific tax incentives for retirees.


4. Cost of Living

The cost of living in Gibraltar can be higher or lower than that of the UK, depending upon where in the UK you have come from.  Like any major city it can be expensive, however it tends to be cheaper than than most major cities in the UK, particularly in terms of housing. The lack of VAT and lower personal taxation can offset some expenses.


- See: Is it cheaper to live in Gibraltar or the UK?


5. Lifestyle and Community

Gibraltar offers a warm climate, English-speaking environment, and a familiar culture. The territory is small, with a close-knit community and easy access to Spain for broader travel and leisure opportunities.


6. Property

Depending upon where in the UK you hail from, property can be seen as cheper or more expensive than that of the UK.  If you are looking to relocate from London for example, you could find that the capital in your home goes a lot further here.  Retirees relocating to The Rock would not be eligible for about 15% of the properties, which are reserved for people that have been resident here for an uninterupted period of 3 years prior, however any Open Market property is free to be purchased by anyone.  There are very few houses in Gibraltar due to the lack of land and therefore almopst everything is leasehold.  This two bedroomed apartment with balcony, lift-access and concierge on Bishop Rapallo's Ramp (just off Main Street) could be ideal for a retiree still looking to be close to the action.


 - See: Is it worth buying property in Gibraltar?


Before making a move, it's advisable to visit Gibraltar, consult with financial and legal advisors, and ensure you understand the residency application process and any potential implications for your UK state pension and other financial matters.



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