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7 Top Tips For Selling Your Home In Autumn

Yes, we know, it's still August, but if your're thinking of selling your home this autumn, it's a great time to start preparing. Autumn is a great time of year to sell, with lots of potential buyers longing to be in their new home by Christmas and eager to get the deal done.

01 Aug 24 |

7 Top Tips For Selling Your Home In Autumn Image


Despite buyers champing at the bit during the autumn months, you’ll still need to consider a few things if you want your autumnal property sale to be successful. In this article, we’ll discuss our top 7 tips for selling your home in autumn so you won’t get caught out.


All you need to is follow the advice below!



Get your lighting right


Natural light is at a premium during the winter months and autumn sees the evenings begin to draw in properly and the clocks get sent back an hour to make matters worse. Those looking to sell their property at this time of year would do well to take these changes into account and brighten up their homes accordingly.

What can you do to mitigate the problem? Well, a favourite way to bring more light into a room, without overdoing the brightness, is to introduce a couple of table lamps. Obviously, this only applies to certain parts of the house - think bedrooms and living rooms - but their impact can be impressive.

In other areas, a brighter light can work, so switch up your bulbs. New ‘daylight’ bulbs in the bathroom or kitchen can transform a space with a minimal amount of effort and allow prospective purchasers to see your home in all its glory.

Remember, though, that nothing lights a room better than natural light. If you can, pull the curtains open wide, roll up the blinds, and let that light flood in.



Clear up those fallen leaves


During the summer months, we can’t wait to get outside and tend our terraces. When the days start shortening and the temperature begins to drop...not so much.

It is, however, incredibly important to maintain your terrace or balcony at all times if you’re thinking of selling up. Even if you simply sweep and rake up all of the fallen leaves before people come to view your property you’ll be ahead of the competition, so make the effort (and don’t forget the front garden, either!).

You should also ensure your drains and gutters aren’t blocked by the seasonal leaf shedding, as failing to do so will not only cause problems in the long run, it will also make your property look unattractive right now while you’re trying to sell.



Ventilate regularly

Another consequence of the change in season is the reappearance of those dreaded wet window. As we discussed in our recent article on removing condensation, airing a property regularly can dramatically reduce the risk of this unsightly nuisance.

Throwing open the windows is a good idea for other reasons, too. Letting some air into your home before viewers visit will help present the property properly and give buyers the right impression. This is even more important should your property be left empty when you come to sell.



Clean your carpets


This is a tip that applies all year round, but it could be argued that autumn is the best time to have the job done anyway, so we thought we’d stick it in. After a summer of coming in and out, your carpets are probably in need of a little TLC, so get someone in to spruce them up before you have your first viewing visit.

If you’d prefer to do it yourself, you can now hire really professional kit from. Be aware, though, that the job is time-consuming!



Go for an autumnal interior

Autumn is a time for snuggling up and keeping warm, so reflecting this in your home could pass some seriously strong subliminal messages to potential buyers when they cross the threshold to view your property. There’s no need to go crazy here, but a few seasonal hints can make a big difference to the feel of a home.

Take nature’s lead and bring in some autumnal colours such as deep reds, greens, and browns. Just a few new cushions in these tones can transform a room and won’t cost the earth, either.



Arrange early viewings

As we mentioned in the lighting section of this post, autumn is when we begin to notice the shortening days and the fewer hours of daylight we have to enjoy. Homes generally look better in daylight, so it stands to reason that you should be doing most of your viewings during this shortened period.

Try to make time at weekends for those who can’t make it round in daylight hours during the week and be as accommodating as you can to those who don’t ideally fit your own schedule. Mornings and afternoons can be difficult times on weekdays, but showing off your home at this time of day during autumn can be well worth the extra effort.



Put the heating on (but not too high)


Shorter days go hand in hand with colder weather. If you feel as though the temperature has dropped, there’s a good chance that your viewers will have as well, so stick the heating on for a bit to warm things up.

You’ll want anyone who views your home to feel comfortable while they’re walking around, so don’t overdo it. Just get a nice, even heat throughout your home so they can take a look at your property without feeling as though they need to rush out to cool off or warm up!



There you go, 7 actionable tips to help sell your home this autumn. If you’re looking to buy or sell in or around Wanstead and Buckhurst Hill before Christmas rocks around again, give us a call. Our friendly team are always happy to discuss anything property related, so feel free to get in touch.

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